About us

In today’s fast-paced world, where the individual often takes a back seat to efficiency and standardisation, Akaba Social UK Ltd stands out as a beacon of personalised attention and care. As a domiciliary care provider registered with the Care Quality Commission, we specialise in delivering person-centred support and care to individuals with learning disabilities as well as mental health needs. Our approach is simple yet profound: understand each person’s individual needs and wishes, and tailor our services to meet those needs. This is not just our mission; it’s our passion.

Embark on a transformative journey with Akaba Social UK Ltd and discover how our bespoke, caring approach can profoundly impact you or your loved one’s life. Our team is eager to share more about our innovative services, our commitment to personalised care, and our unique partnership with social housing groups. By choosing Akaba Social UK Ltd, you’re not just selecting a care provider; you’re opting for a partner dedicated to fostering independence, personal growth, and well-being.

We’re here to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your care or the care of a loved one. From detailed explanations of our services to insights into our active rehabilitation programmes and how we tailor our support to meet individual needs, our team is ready to answer your queries with compassion and professionalism.

Let’s start a conversation about your aspirations and how Akaba Social UK Ltd can support you in achieving them. Reach out to us today to explore the possibilities and learn how we can help create a life that’s not just about surviving but thriving. Your journey towards a more autonomous, enriched life is just a call or a message away. Join the Akaba Social UK Ltd family and let us empower you to live life on your terms.

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